Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kickin’ it Cold Turkey, Man

While in the hospital for two weeks, I didn’t drink any Diet Coke. Caffeine is a diuretic and actually causes the body to dehydrate –not what you want when the body’s trying to rebuild. It was all protein shakes and Gatorade.

Same was true for the two weeks I was recovering at home.

And then I got to Hong Kong.

“I’ll take a Diet Coke, please.” “Hey look at that girls, in China, Diet Coke is called ‘Coca Cola Light.’”


“Whoa, wait a minute, that’s not Diet Coke!”

I know Diet Coke, and that was no Diet Coke, mister. It wasn’t even a satisfactory substitute.

So despite some long days and late nights, I am officially off the hooch. Six weeks.

I figure, I’ve gone this long, I might as well keep it going. “Hello everyone. My name is Jack and
I have been Diet Coke-free for six weeks, three days, and seven hours . . . ”

I don’t know who whispered in his ear, but in the middle of my first full day with kids last week, I walked into my room and there sitting in the middle of my desk was a Diet Coke courtesy of my principal. I'm pretty sure I heard harps playing. I guess he figured I could use a pick-me-up right about then. He had affixed a post-it note that said “You’re doing great. Hang in there. –Bryan”

Apparently you can find real Diet Coke in Hong Kong, but it’s a little hard to come by. So when you find it, stock up.

I’m thinking that Diet Cherry Coke is probaly too much to ask for.


1 comment:

  1. You can also find real Dr. Pepper! Also very hard to find, but worth it when you do!!
