Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dali Partin’

Before we embarked on our China excursion, someone advised us to take however much time we were planning to stay in Dali and double it. I disagree. I would say, however much time you are planning on spending in Dali, triple it. We loved Old Dali. I don’t know how the city of Lijiang -which was next on our itinerary- could possibly hold a candle to Old Dali.

We were on the go so much during our three days in Dali that after our day together in the market with Erine,the owner of the Lily Pad, we didn’t get to spend much time with her. None-the-less, when it was time to leave, Erine and half of her staff escorted us to our taxi to say goodbye. Erine surprised us with parting gifts including a handmade linen bag and two woodblock prints on rice paper. I think there is something about being on the road that makes a person predisposed to making friends quickly. It’s amazing how after spending just three days at Erine’s inn, we could feel a twinge of sadness at saying goodbye to her. Hugs all the way around.

Two rooms for two nights, breakfast for four people three mornings, two loads of laundry, and parting gifts: US$75.

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