Monday, September 14, 2009

Our first T-8

It's 4:30 on Monday afternoon. Our principal just came over the intercom to say that the windy, rainy weather we've been having was just declared a level-8 typhoon. Everyone was to pack up immediately and go home.

We of course, are already home.

We are far enough inland and surrounded by enough mountains that the New Territories is usually not affected. During a T-8 warning, everyone is to be indoors at home. My understanding is that is if you are out and about during a typhoon and you get hurt, your insurance will not cover your medical bills. So if personal safety isn't enough of a motivator, hopefully money is.

Last year, Hong Kong had five typhoon warnings, all of which amounted to very little here in the New Territories.

Interestingly, the levels for typhoons go as follows: T-3, T-8, T-9, T-10. No twos, fours, fives, sixes, or sevens. Nobody can tell me why. Fact: There is no difference between a typhoon and a hurricane. Just different nomenclature.

While I am sure this will all blow over in a few hours, it has put a bit of excitement in the air. Its kind of like the anticipation before a promised blizzard -only with a lot more humidity.


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