Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hey Girls, Look What Daddy Got For You

A certain someone -who shall remain nameless- has been known to spend fifteen minutes agonizing over the menu at a Chinese restaurant. I -on the other hand- have been known to close my eyes and drop my finger on a menu.

Both methods have about equal probability of procuring food that the girls will eat. But my method saves us fifteen minutes and a whole lot of handwringing.

Last Saturday, we were at a little beach town on Lantau Island with several other families. We had finished eating a late lunch at an outdoor South African restaurant called the Stoep. The girls were being real troopers. They didn't care for the food we'd ordered and they were waiting patiently for everybody to finish up. And they were hot. And sticky.

I slipped out and went to the little ma-and-pop store next door. They had a freezer with popsicles, but the labels were completely in Chinese. I closed my eyes, dipped my hands into the cooler, and picked two.

The girls’ eyes lit up when they saw what I had brought them.

A minute later, they were laughing. Annika’s popsicle was a yummy, frozen papaya.


Frozen green bean.


But, she ate it.


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