Friday, December 25, 2009

Roasting Chestnuts

For over forty years, I have listened to, hummed along to, and even sang along to the Christmas classic “Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire.” What could make for a more all-American Christmas than roasted chestnuts from an open fire? Well, actually, a lot of things it turns out. I had never actually had a roasted chestnut before.

That was true, until ironically, I came to China. Vendors roast and sell them on the streets here.

I figured I’ve enjoyed the song so often, it was time to try one.

I bought a small brown paper bag’s worth. They come in a shell which is soft enough to peel.

Inside is a nut the size, texture, and color of a lima bean.

They are okay; warm, slightly buttery, a little bitter. Not sure they deserve their own song.

I think the cashew would be much more worthy.


A: Knock, knock
B: Who’s there?
A: Cash
B: Cash-who?
A: No thanks, I’m allergic to nuts

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