Moving a family half way around the world, learning to navigate our way round a new country, and starting two new jobs has been challenging. But at the end of the day, we are so glad that we accepted this challenge. Hong Kong rocks and ICS is a great place to work and a great community to be a part of. We are able to live comfortably on the salary they pay us.
If you know of any teachers who might be interested in an overseas experience at an explicitly Christian school, please pass along the following information. Feel free to have them email (jjvannoord@yahoo.com) me with questions. Of course, you can always route them to our blog.
2010-2011 Openings:
-Kindergarten Teacher (3 & 4 year olds)-Lower Elementary Teacher (P1-G2)
-Upper Elementary Teacher (G3-5)
-Elementary PE Teacher
-Elementary ESL Teacher
-Secondary Music Teacher (Strings & Choral)
-Secondary Special Education Teacher
-High School Social Studies Teacher
-High School French Teacher
More information at http://www.ics.edu.hk/
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