By everyone’s account, the Ultimate Frisbee community in Hong Kong is made up of some pretty crazy individuals. Apparently, they have a penchant for costume parties. Most recently, they had a “jungle” themed costume party. In attendance, they had several Tarzan and Janes, a couple of lions, and they even had a Slash from “Guns and Roses.”
As you can see from the picture, Grant and his wife attended as Na’vi from the blockbuster movie “Avatar.”
Grant told me that it took the two of them over an hour to get made up in their apartment. I knew that Grant doesn’t have a car, so I was wondering how they got from their apartment to the party.
Turns out, they rode a bus and then they got on the Star Ferry and then they rode in a taxi and then they walked through Central.
This would have been a head-turning sight on the streets of Chicago. But this ain’t Chicago. It’s Hong Kong. According to Grant, people were whipping out their cell phones and taking pictures like crazy. Several Chinese Hong Kongers even stopped them and had their pictures taken with them.
Taken as a whole, the Chinese Hong Kongers are a little more reserved than your typical American or Brit or Aussie. I think that we could live in Hong Kong for a decade and never see a Chinese Hong Konger do something quite so audacious.
They must think that we gweilo are crazy.
But we sure know how to throw a good costume party.