One major milestone was when we figured out how to order groceries on-line and have them delivered. Hauling a week’s worth of groceries home on the subway is not a good time.
About a month after we moved here, people started to move into the brand new estate buildings (apartments) that we look out onto. At the base of the two apartment towers is a free-standing building that stood empty of the first four months we were here. We didn’t know what it was supposed to house. We dared not hope.
Then about three weeks ago, electricians, carpenters, and painters descended upon the interior.
I am happy to report that our very own Park N Shop is now open for business.
Granted, it’s a small grocery store, but it’s a whole lot better than a 7-Eleven. The other day, I forgot that it was my turn to bring a yummy snack to our eighth-grade team meeting. No problem. I dashed down the Park N Shop. I was back in four minutes.
Our new Park N Shop has been open for business for less than ten days and we are already wondering how we ever got by without it.
Park N Shop, I love you.
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