2 weeks in Loyola hospital burn unit
2 weeks at home watching Julie pack
2 weeks in China
It’s a little surreal to realize that six weeks ago, I was in the ICU unit hooked up to an IV and receiving regular doses of morphine. China seemed all but out of the question. The fact that I am here is no credit to me, but rather to the body’s ability to heal, the help and support Julie and I received, and God’s goods grace.
I am quickly approaching a full recovery. While some areas have almost fully healed, my right arm and the back of my right leg still have a way to go. At this point, wound care consist of simply applying moisturizer to my arm, calf, and shoulders twice a day and then putting an elastic sleeve on my arm and leg. The sleeve protects the damaged skin, promotes circulation, and keeps the aloe vera off my clothes. And it spares my students and colleagues from having to look at my burn wounds.
Plus the bandages have garnered me more than one offer of a seat on the subway –all of which I have turned down. Although I have been tempted.
I seem to get tired quickly, but its hard to know if that is the rest of my body trying to heal or if it’s residual jet lag, the long work days, or me just getting old.
If I stand in one place for too long, my leg starts to hurt. But other than that I am good to go. Ironically, walking doesn’t hurt as much as simply standing still.
It turns out that laying in bed and loafing on a sofa for four weeks does not make for a very effective fitness program. Sadly, I had managed to get myself into pretty good shape in the months before the accident. The other day I tried to do a few pushups. I had to stop after seven.
About the Picture: 1) this was the only unused picture of me in China I had available and 2) this is the hat that Julie bought me to keep the sun off my face and neck which I will probably have to do for the rest of my life. So get used the hat; it’s going to be around for a while.
Although, I do promise not to make that face anymore.
Thanks for the update. Looking good Jack!
ReplyDeleteJack, you have been making that face since I've known you. I would miss that face!