We wanted to make sure that we left the place in ship-shape condition before we left -which included replacing a damaged lamp shade on an end table.
The 300 apartments in this building are all decorated exactly the same, so I knew that management would have a supply of replacement small lampshades. I was fully prepared to pay for it, it was just a matter of getting a hold of one.
I stopped by the front desk, explained the situation, and ask for a new lamp shape.
No problem, she said.
Good. May I have one then?
We'll have maintaninance bring one up.
Perfect. I am on my way up now. They'll be up in -what- five or ten minutes?
No, you need to schedule a time.
I have to schedule a time to have lamp shade dropped off at my room?
Okay, what times do you have available?
Oh, we don't take care of that here. You have to schedule an appointment at the maintaince desk, she said pointing to the desk next to her.
I slid over six feet and then scheduled an appointment for the following Tuesday at 4:30.
The maintenance guy -actually there were two of them- showed up right on time.
They replaced the shade for me.
There was no charge.
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