I was two sentences into my little monologue when I saw twenty-four sets of eyes swing toward the center of the classroom and come to rest on a certain fourteen-year-old blonde. She was frozen in her seat. Suddenly, in the middle of my lesson I remembered that there was something that I had been meaning to do. What was it? Change the oil in the car? Get those pants hemmed? Oh yeah, now I remember: bring Annika up to speed on her cousin’s sexual orientation.
Yup, I had just outed my nephew to my daughter in front of twenty-four of her nearest and dearest friends.
It was just a teensy bit awkward. While I was busy looking for the rewind button, Annika was looking for that elusive hole in the ground.
I realized that I hadn’t referred to my nephew by name and I could see that Annika was mentally scrolling through her long list of cousins. So across the crowded classroom I stage whispered my nephew’s name. It didn’t appear to clear up any of her confusion and bewilderment.
Her fellow classmates starting “oh”-ing as they watched this little mini-family drama unfold in the middle of first period on a Thursday morning.
This was a conversation that I had been meaning to have with Annika. I just never imagined it unfolding quite like this.
I’m pretty sure she didn’t either.
That’s what I get for trying to function on five hours sleep.
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