Monday, May 2, 2011

The Unkown Unknowns

We knew that we were probably only going to be here for two years. That was the deal from the get go. But ever since we had to formally declare that we would not be renewing our contracts, I have found myself hit with little bouts of sadness.

The other day we went out to dinner with some friends to a Thai restaurant in Tai Wai which is kind of major hub here in the New Territories. The twist was, it was in the eastern part of Tai Wai. I have literally been to and through Tai Wai dozens and dozens of times and I didn’t even know that there was an eastern section to Tai Wai. Here was this huge section of Hong Kong just three MTR stops away that until last weekend was completely unexplored.

We have this little park that’s five minutes our house. I thought that we had explored it pretty thoroughly over the last eighteen months. We played tennis on the courts, explores the “extreme" bike course, and walked its many paths. But somehow we completely missed this sculpture which is designed to look like a giant Chinese chess board.

How many other great little corners of Hong Kong was I missing? How many things am I going to leave undone when I get on that plane in July.

By the time July 30 rolls around I will have been out of the States for two years. I thought I was ready to go back. But now –on occasion- I find myself in a panic. So little time left and so much left to see and do. It’s not the things that I know I want and need to do yet before I leave, it the things that I am not even aware of that make me anxious.

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