By contrast, the movie systematically makes the supporters of evolution look even-keeled, intelligent, and dedicated to high-minded principles.
Pretty ironic that a movie that purportedly is about doggedly pursuing the truth played fast and loose with the facts. A movie about relentlessly pursuing the truth that does anything but.
At first I was bummed out that I had wasted money securing a copy of the DVD (man alive does Amazon stick it to you for overseas shipping) that was pretty much useless for teaching the historic 1925 Scopes Trial.
But then I realized that all was not lost. In fact, this was a golden opportunity.
As a history and English teacher, one of my objectives is to teach media literacy. For example, every quarter, all my history students have to watch a movie of their choosing about American history (Flyboys, October Skies, The Right Stuff…) and write up a book-report style synopsis.
Watching parts of “Inherit the Wind” could help students learn to not unthinkingly accept everything that Hollywood churns out.
I rewrote my lesson plans.
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