Thursday, November 25, 2010

Better Late than Never

We finally made it to the resort -about fourteen hours later than planned- but, we made it. It was just as I had pictured it: wooden, on stilts, and built over the ocean. The boat pulled up to the dock and we had to climb a six-foot ladder onto the dock. The Telunas Beach staff met us with cool, wet towels so we could refresh ourselves.

The resort at Telunas Beach has a rustic beauty to it that matches the pristine beach and verdant hills that frame it. The students all found their luggage that the staff had unloaded from the boat and we wheeled ourselves into the dining room where the staff had a late-morning, hot breakfast waiting for us.

Originally, today –Monday, was supposed to be a service day in a neighboring village but that plan had to be scuttled in light of yesterday’s travel odyssey. We let the kids get settled into their cabins. Each cabin has running water and electricity but no hot water. We gave our students the rest of the morning to run around, get familiar with their environs, and make their way down to the beach. At lunch we announced that –since none of us really got any sleep the night before- we were having a mandatory rest/nap time after lunch. I guess this is what happens when your co-leader is seven months pregnant. Naps for everyone. No exceptions. When we got back to Hong Kong, one of the boys wrote on his evaluation form “I learned that Mr. VanNoord is a very heavy sleeper.” My wife says I have The Gift. Sleep: anytime, anywhere. Darn right. I have like a black belt in sleep.

After dinner, Eric –assisted by his co-director Mike- led us in our service preparation which included an overview of the project (building a brick wall), language training (bagus means good), and culture training, (don’t pat the little kids on the head; when in doubt, smile, smile, smile).

Despite the naps we all were still exhausted. In your room by 9:00. Lights out at 10:00. Wake-up was to be at 6:30.

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