Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh So Fresh!

It had been a little stressful, but I must say that I was pretty proud of myself. Julie was back in the States and for five weeks I managed to keep myself and the girls fed, clean, and healthy. I had even managed to stay on top of the laundry. The one thing I couldn't figure out though was why my whites weren't getting as white as Julie usually gets them. My socks just seemed to be getting more and more grey with every wash no matter how much liquid detergent I poured in from the little blue bottle.

After five long weeks, my wife finally returned. I walked her through every step of what I had been doing.

That's when she pointed out that for five weeks I had been doing our laundry not with detergent but with fabric softener.

Nor matter how may times I washed my socks, they were just getting dirtier and dirtier. But it was the freshest smelling -and softest- dirt in Hong Kong.

I'm really glad to have my wife back.



  1. Thanks, Jack. I'm glad to be home with you, too. I'm also glad to help you with your laundry. At least you smelled nice when I arrived home!

  2. that is too funny!! i'm so happy julie's back with you. can't wait to see y'all in a week!
