Based on the parent information meeting we had a month ago, many of the parents were quite anxious about sending their eleven- and twelve-year olds into China. I’m guessing that many of these parents –like many people in Hong Kong- have conflicted views of China. Many residents in Hong Kong- including parents and grandparents of some of our students- are in Hong Kong today because they fled China during the political upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s.
In retrospect, maybe that little light-hearted comment I made at the parent information night wasn’t such a good idea. At the end of the night I said, we would bring all their kids back safe and sound. And –considering there are about twenty kids going, if we did lose one, there was only a five percent chance that it would be theirs.
Hey, VanNoord, think, then speak. We’re going let that slide this time because you’re new around here. Sheesh.
Moms and Dads took a few last minute pictures at the train station and gave their kids final hugs.
We did a head count. All nineteen kids were there.
Jack, Jack. How could you!