But re-locating to Hong Kong has afforded us a unique opportunity to visit a wide variety of Christian fellowships. (Can we all just agree upfront not to call it church shopping.) We are looking forward to settling into a church before the end of the year, but in the mean time we have given ourselves permission to visit a variety of churches. While it smacks of indulgent consumerism, it’s been awesome visiting these fellowships.
So far, we have visited Hong Kong International Baptist Church, The Vine, and Island ECC; none of which are in a traditional stand-alone building. They are all located inside of a commercial building of one sort or another.
The quality of English-language churches in Hong Kong is just outstanding. They are contemporary, dynamic, and truly international. It is really cool worshiping every week with a congregation that is Chinese, Japanese, Pilipino, British, Aussie, American, Canadian, Indian, Pakistani, Nigerian, Congelese, Middle Eastern, and Brazilian.
All three of the churches we’ve visited so far are very out-reach minded. They all have ministries dedicated to the poor. They all have ministries geared toward the Filipino and Indonesian domestic helpers who are here without their families. In just the past three months, these churches have raised a lot of money for the victims of the natural disasters in Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Only five percent of Hong Kong professes to be Christian, but what a difference a minority can make. Margaret Sanger once said, “Don’t ever question whether or a not a small group of people can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Last week, the pastor at the Island ECC –quoting someone else- asserted that Hong Kong –with her wealth, internationalism, and proximity to an awakening China is uniquely positioned to impact the world for the Kingdom of God.
I’ve had more than one new family here at the school say to me that they have no doubt that God has called them to be here in Hong Kong. They just aren't sure why, but they are excited to find out just exactly what it they are supposed to doing and who they are supposed to be impacting. It’s a very cool outlook that seems to permeate the Christian community here in Hong Kong.
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