We have had inspectors from the China Health Department visit us to check on our wellness status.
The cleaning staff was told to double the amount of bleach in their cleaning solution, so now the school smells like a swimming pool.
We have been told to leave ajar all of our classroom windows to allow fresh air to circulate into the building. When kids enter my classroom, I have been instructed to give each one of them a squirt of hand sanitizer.
In addition to getting their temperature checked as they enter the building each day, every student is supposed to get his or her temperature taken at home every morning. Then, they are required to bring in their signed temperature sheets once a week. If they fail to do so, the school levies fines against them.
All this has all made for a busy week for Julie. The reporting requirements from the government are keeping her very busy and she has been going in early and staying late every day. Every time she sits down to compile data, a second grader comes in wanting a Band-Aid. Tuesday, she saw fourteen students in two hours.
Please pray we don’t get shut down.
Please pray for the health of the staff and students.
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