After packing clothes, cosmetics, books, and medicine, we had just enough room for each of us to pack a few discretionary items in our suitcases. While helping each other unpack, it was fun to discover just exactly what each of us had chosen to bring. I brought juggling balls. Annika brought her bead kit. Elise brought her sticker collection. But the biggest surprise was that Julie brought her held-held garlic press.
When we arrived in Hong Kong, our kitchen was a little Spartan. We haven’t had a chance to properly outfit our kitchen, so currently it consists of four coffee mugs, four each of spoons, forks and knifes, four bowls, four small plates, two pots, and . . . a garlic press.
I’m glad I married a women who has her priorities straight. She may be willing to travel the world, but not with out her garlic press.
"I like that," Katie says. Me too.