Now, for the first time I'll actually be Dad to one of my students.
I have Annika in two of my classes: English and American History. Originally, we requested that she not be in my classes, but her Mandarin class dictated that she is.
It was only awkward for about the first seven minutes. We’ve worked it out.
She addresses me as Dad in the halls. She calls me Mr. VanNoord in the classroom.
The other day as everyone was leaving the classroom, she and I were touching base about something and I called her “Sweetie.” She tugged on my shirt “Um, Dad, not here okay.”
Actually, it’s nice having someone in the class to give me a little feedback on my teaching. She let’s me know which lessons and activities are engaging and fun, and she lets me know when my lessons drag a little bit.
She also let’s me know when Caleb dozes off in the back of the classroom.
Tuesday, I must have used the word “crud” while telling a story in American History class. I forget the context. (“The Japanese just bombed Peal Harbor. Oh, crud”?)
She pulled me aside after class and with all due humility she suggest that –considering that this is a Christian school- I probably shouldn’t use the word “crud” in front of the whole class.
Duly noted.
Now I’m curious to see if Annika will ever slips up and accidently address me as “Mr. VanNoord” at home.
test -Jack